Good News
*For the protection of our global workers in closed countries, or where sharing their identity could cause a security risk for them or those they work with, we sometimes are unable to share details.
Latin America
Corey & Lindsey Branson
Costa Rica

We are Corey and Lindsey Branson! We have three beautiful children: Cooper, Londyn, and Carter. God called us into missions in March of 2018. God gave us a heart for the unreached and our desire is that all people have an opportunity to come into a relationship with Him. Our ministry is multi-faceted. We cultivate relationships and community to give opportunities for discipleship and spiritual growth. El Puente bridges the gap between the community and the church and we know that God is using it to reach beyond the community as well. Through mobilization, our ministry is training and preparing Costa Ricans who are being called into missions, to go and reach the unreached. El Puente is a tool to build relationships and point people to Christ. Our goal is to make His name known among the nations!
Prayer Requests
- Pray for us, the pastors, and the people of the congregation here as we work through the process of going to Thailand to help work with the Isan unreached people group.
- Pray for protection, wisdom, and financial provision.
Joy Coleman
Mountain Gateway, US and Latin America

In 2023, through God's grace and faithfulness, Joy completed the 11-month missionary training program with Mountain Gateway Academy. The Lord called her to the mission field through Mountain Gateway Prayer. She will help pioneer what this ministry track will be for future missionary intercessors with Mountain Gateway, while the Lord makes her like Anna in Luke 2.36-28.
Beginning in January 2024, Joy will serve the ministry through providing administrative support; leading prayer and worship gatherings; discipling others; spending time in corporate and personal prayer, intercession, and Biblical study; connecting with and interceding for ministry staff, students and ministry work; assisting with hosting prayer ministry gatherings and events; or assisting with another ministry area with Mountain Gateway as needed. She will also travel to mission bases in Latin America and other ministry locations within the US.
Joy is humbled and honored to continue with Mountain Gateway Prayer to spiritually undergird the mission for missionaries to GO and STAY that nations are saved and discipled. She is excited to continue to learn and grow under leaders whose hearts and character demonstrate what it means to love and follow Jesus.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that I remain humble, willing, and obedient.
- Pray that I continue to grow in spiritual wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God, to accomplish the works He has planned for me.
- Pray that all resources for me to GO and STAY are provided.
Daniel & Lorena Dyer
Casa de Oracion Familiar / Prisoner of Hope International / Children’s Cup- Honduras

The Dyer family are long-term missionaries to Honduras with over 30 years of ministry experience. They have one daughter (Gianna) who is studying medicine in Mexico. Lorena is a native of Honduras, while Daniel was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, until his family moved to Honduras when he was 15 years old. He graduated with a degree in finance from Lee University in Cleveland, TN, and has been a missionary in Honduras since 1990. The current ministry has a national scope emphasizing church planting and discipleship, prison ministry discipleship, and transgenerational discipleship through feeding centers in 120+ communities.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the nation of Honduras; that it fulfills its destiny to be a discipleship nation.
- Pray for the front-line pastors and teachers who are giving their lives to edify and train the body of Christ for the work of the ministry.
- Pray for the governmental authorities that govern the country; that righteous rule might be a reality.
- Pray for favor with the prison authorities that give access to all levels of the prison system.
- Pray for the thousands of children under our care; that their divine destinies would be fulfilled.
- Pray for the families of Honduras; that they might find hope in Honduras through Jesus Christ and Kingdom culture, and that God prospers the work of their hands in the land that they have been planted.
Britt & Audrey Hancock
USA, Mexico, Nicaragua

Britt and Audrey Hancock got married in 1988 and have been in full-time ministry since 1989. They have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. Their family began to serve in missions in Mexico in 1997. Mountain Gateway was formed in 2009. The focus continues to be starting churches in small villages of Mexico and Nicaragua, making disciples and training leaders, as well as having large gospel campaigns in Nicaragua. Mountain Gateway Academy leads people to a place of surrender and preparation for whatever it is that God wants them to do. Britt and Audrey want to simply hear what Jesus says to do and then do it. May it be so.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that we will be obedient to whatever Jesus asks us to do - whether going to 1 or 100,000 or 1,000,000. May we have the finances to accomplish that.
Jacob & Cassie Hancock
USA, Mexico, Nicaragua

Jacob and Cassie Hancock are the Missions Directors for Mountain Gateway. Their current assignments are to Central Mexico and Nicaragua planting churches, making disciples, training leaders, and preaching the good news to the lost.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for grace to accomplish the call.
Kyle Neese

Kyle Neese is a full-time missionary with Kaleo International. Kaleo is a church-planting missions organization that goes to hard places and the unreached to plant churches and spread the gospel. He is currently living in Reynosa, Mexico doing missions and ministry. He has been involved with missions off and on for the past few years, working with YWAM and Iris Ministries. He has been going to places such as South Sudan, Honduras, Mexico, and multiple places in Europe, but is now planted full-time in Reynosa.
His main ministry is firstly strategizing for Kaleo International (the main Kaleo intonational base is in Reynosa) and assisting the leader of the organization, Joshua Muse. He also ministers with the Local Kaleo Church in Reynosa as well as leading worship and evangelizing.
He will also travel monthly within Mexico, or to other countries, with Joshua Muse to unreached tribes and nations not open to the gospel to break ground, share the gospel, and help plant local churches. Joshua also travels to places such as the United States, Europe, Africa, and Latin America to go to conferences to inspire others to become missionaries, as well as lead people in encounters with God.
Kyle is astounded by what God has done and is doing in Mexico and with unreached tribes across the world. He is also excited about what God will continue to do!
Prayer Requests
- Pray for protection when going to unreached people groups as well as when going to nations that are not open to Jesus or the Gospel.
- Pray that the hearts of the people encountered would be open to receiving Jesus!
Morgan Sanders

Morgan Sanders joined Mountain Gateway in 2022 and serves advancing the Kingdom through administration and supporting missionaries on the field in Central America. She has nations in her heart, but she doesn’t look like a traditional “missionary.” Morgan works as a scribe for Mountain Gateway, recording what Jesus is doing on the earth today and sharing it with the world through various media forms.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the Lord to give Morgan wisdom for administration and how to best support Mountain Gateway missionaries.
- Pray that she would remain humble, teachable, and obedient to the call on her life.
- Pray for the people who read the words she writes to have open hearts and radical encounters with Jesus.
- Pray for favor and finances to accomplish whatever Jesus asks of her.
- Pray for the Kingdom to advance in Central America and beyond.

Bjarni and Jenny Erlingsson

The Erlingsson's are a family learning what it means to say YES to God in beautiful Iceland. After years of working in community and church ministry in Huntsville, Alabama, Bjarni and Jenny followed the call of God to serve and live in Iceland. After two years in the north of Iceland, they now make their home in Eyrarbakki, Iceland. From the ministry base of their Gróðurhúsið (The GreenHouse) they connect with and encourage local Christian leaders, speak and teach in various churches, and find ways to love their community to Christ. This home not only houses their family but hosts gatherings, small groups, visiting teams, and missionary/ministry workers. Their heart is to love Iceland well by lifting the arms of believers and being the hands and feet of Jesus to the surrounding community.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for continued wisdom as we minister in Iceland.
- Pray for strength and encouragement for churches and Christian leaders.
- Pray for open doors and boldness to share the Gospel.
- Pray that members of the government church will have authentic encounters with Christ.
- Pray for continued provision to pay off and complete the Greenhouse so that we can steward this ministry base well.
- Pray for covering and protection over our family and spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional health.
Gunnar Ingi Gunnarsson & Svava María Ómarsdóttir
Pastors of Loftstofan Baptistakirkja, Reykjavík, Iceland

Gunnar and Svava serve in Reykjavík, Iceland seeking to know Jesus and make him known. Gunnar focuses on praying, preaching, gathering, and reaching at Loftstofan and any place that will allow him to talk about Jesus, while Svava focuses on music and 1-on-1 discipleship with women. Together they host the Radio show Trú og Líf and are passionate about producing more content for Radio and online projects to reach people and equip believers. They aim to help inform minds, seek God's grace to transform hearts, and equip hands for the work of the ministry so that God would be glorified in Iceland.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for our marriage to reflect the love of Christ to His church.
- Pray for our kids, that they would know, love, serve, and adore Jesus.
- Pray for Salómon, our son, and his upcoming surgery on his spine, and continue prayer for full healing.
- Pray for our church; that the attacks of the enemy would not work to stop us from being passionate about knowing Jesus, making Him known, and loving each other in the unity of the Spirit.

National Partner
Trey & Becky Hancock
Dearborn, Michigan, US-Intercultural Missions

Trey and Becky Hancock have lived in Dearborn, Michigan since 1987. They are Assemblies of God US-Intercultural appointed missionaries, sharing the Gospel of Jesus with the goal of
planting churches among Arab Muslims. In 1999 the Lord began to deal with their heart
about planting a church in town. On the Sunday before Memorial Day 2000 they began
meeting in their home to establish a church. They began by inviting their friends and neighbors to a meal and a time of worship and studying God’s Word. The Lord has been faithful and Springwells Church, is planted and growing.
Our objective is to reach our community which is 97% Arab Muslim. It is the largest concentration of Arabic- speaking people in the world outside the Middle East. People from Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Yemen are the main people groups. Dearborn is one of the most strategic cities in the world for the Gospel. This area is crucial to a worldwide movement of the Holy Spirit. Michigan has been targeted by Islam to be the first Islamic state in the United States, and Dearborn has long been a pulse point toward that goal. Dearborn must be realized as a strategic mission field. The focus is sharpening toward a major population of unreached people living in our country where evangelism is legal and accessible. Yemen is a country with very few missionaries if any. The AoG, at this time, has no missionaries in Yemen. Dearborn has a high population of Yemeni and the LORD is moving. Our prayer is that the new believers will take it “back home” to their families and country. Would that it be God’s heart to plant another church here that will cross the boundary to Yemen. Trey and Becky are NOW preparing for the next generation by training young adults with the call to minister the Gospel to Muslim people groups and plant churches. Springwell’s Intercultural Ministry Center (SpringwellsIMC.com) prepares college interns, ChiAlpha teams, and mission associates with a call to Muslim contexts.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the conviction of sin that leads to repentance- they need to realize they are lost.
- Pray that the Lord would raise up more laborers to continue the work of the Kingdom here- that the training center would produce young ones with a selfless heart to go plant churches or stay to plant churches here in Dearborn.
- Pray that blindness and deception would be removed- vain imaginations that have exalted themselves would implode.
- Pray for God to move in power and manifest the authority of Jesus in signs and wonders! Pray for boldness in proclamation.
- Pray for unity in the believers.
- Pray that Muslim background believers would love each other and be in unity to show His life.
Chris & Naomi Sicks
Pastors of One Voice Fellowship

Chris Sicks is the church planter of One Voice Fellowship, a multi-lingual church focused on helping our new neighbors acclimate and discover the truth and love of Jesus.
Naomi is from Huntsville, where she lived and worked in Lincoln Village, then left to serve as a missionary in Haiti, before becoming a single foster mom to her special-needs nephew.
Chris lost his first wife, Sara, to breast cancer. Now Naomi and Chris have the joy of raising Chris' three children plus Naomi's nephew whom they have adopted.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for David (21) who is in a life skills program in Texas for young adults with autism.
- Pray for Naomi and Chris as they juggle a sometimes-overwhelming workload as church planters: that they will find rest, balance, and a daily filling of the Spirit!


Asia and Middle East
For the protection of our global workers we are unable to share details