Come and join us for Pickleball and Prayer! A vibrant Rock group where adults of all ages and skill levels come together for thrilling games of pickle ball, meaningful connections, and personal growth. Experience the perfect blend of friendly competition, deepening your faith, and uplifting one another through intentional prayer and support. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this is the place to grow, connect, and have a blast!
Men’s discipleship and prayer. The goals and vision for this group are to be:
o A place of refuge, safety, and healing for men of all ages in a judgement-free zone where there is comfort, rest, and peace with brothers in Christ
o A place of fun, laughter, and joy
o A body of believers committed to discipling, sharpening one another, and focused on confirming and strengthening our identities in Christ
Desire for a more intimate and personal relationship with Christ Jesus. Seeking and abiding in His presence.
Lively group discussions on communication, pitfalls, and more! See our material at
Join a band of brothers using our gifts to make a difference. Develop deep friendships through wrenching, worship, the word and prayer. Monthly serve days in the community are a highlight, as we empower people to take care of their cars.
Women’s bible study group growing in the knowledge of who we are in Christ, what we have in Christ and what we can do in Christ as ambassadors for Christ.
(2 Corinthians 5:18-20, Colossians 1:10 and 2 Peter 3:18)
Prepare freezer meals for local housing of Kids In Care, and others with food insecurity risk. Teams laugh, learn, and serve together while preparing meals to fill local area needs. [Meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 12-3pm And/OR 1st and 3rd Thursdays 6-8pm].
Come Join us for fun fellowship around the dinner table. Entrees will be provided. Guests will bring side dishes according to the dinner theme for each month.
Will meet at Kim and Allen Walker’s home on the 3rd Friday of each month. Sign-ups are first come, first serve basis. Couples and Singles alike.
Our Senior Adult Ministry has been established for the purpose of fellowship, fun, adventure.
Regardless of your age, it is important to continue in the purpose God has designed for every age stage of your life. Monthly gatherings along with pot luck meals, add to wonderful times together. We also take a number of annual trips to get away and enjoy ourselves!
(We meet the 1st Tuesday of every month)
A Men’s fellowship for guys age 50 and up. We meet on the 1st and 3rd THURSDAYS
Bible study for ladies age 50 and up. We meet the 4th Wednesday of each month.
What is going on with our culture? What do Christians really believe? How do I know what’s essential and non-essential? Where did deconstruction come from?
If you’ve asked any of these questions, this course is for you. Come hang out with us as we explore the ideas that have shaped our culture, re-examine essential Christianity, and recover some tools to help us navigate confusing and controversial issues in the church and in culture.
Vamos a aprender a:
Desarrollar una relación de amistad íntima con el Espíritu Santo.
Hablarle, preguntarle, escucharle.
Entender la llenura del Espíritu Santo y buscarla.
Pedirle y recibir su guía, su consuelo y su revelación.
Buscar Su presencia.
We seek to help men grow to be the leader God made them to be by pushing one another in fitness, fellowship, and faith. We meet at 5:30 AM on Thursdays in the parking lot by the track behind the church, where we will go through a calisthenics-based workout for 45 minutes, concluding with an encouraging word. All fitness levels are welcome, so come grow with us!
Freedom is a 9-week course that serves as a reset on how we view ourselves, God and others, and ultimately how to live our lives in Christ. We believe that when people settle their yesterdays, they can then fully experience the Freedom that God has for them. To conclude your 9-week journey, we believe attending Freedom Weekend is a critical next step in solidifying your Freedom experience.
For Female Youth Leaders. Freedom is a 9-week course that serves as a reset on how we view ourselves, God and others, and ultimately how to live our lives in Christ. We believe that when people settle their yesterdays, they can then fully experience the Freedom that God has for them. To conclude your 9-week journey, we believe attending Freedom Weekend is a critical next step in solidifying your Freedom experience.
Discussion about and prayer for current church persecution.
A faith-based fitness class designed to build both physical and spiritual muscles. We will aim to build community with a safe place for you to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ while connecting the importance of centering Christ in your fitness journey.
We are a group of Ladies, all Golden in His sight. We look forward to building sisterhood with you.
This group is a co-ed interactive Bible Study into the incredible virtue of God’s Amazing Grace.
Come gather with us and connect with others for fellowship, fun, and encouragement!
Fellowship at the Yonta’s home is the first Friday of every month for adults 40 and older.
This group is for Freedom Group Hosts for the Spring 2025 semester.
This group focuses on helping women live a healthy and full life in the areas of body, soul, spirit, and relationships. The group will explore God’s desire for his people to live an abundant life by living a balanced life according to God’s Word.
Co/ed group for active individuals who want to get outside in fellowship, prayer and encouragement of each. This group meets bi-weekly
A men’s bible study focused on Christ centered masculinity.
Biblical study of how Christianity is rooted in the faith of Abraham and how we see Yeshua (Jesus) through the types of shadows of the Old Testament as he fulfilled prophecy and God’s plan for His kingdom on earth.
We are a group of ladies growing together through fellowship, bible study, prayer and loving each other. We look forward to growing and fellowshipping with you.
We are digging in deep and growing stronger in the Lord as His warriors. We would love to have you join this great fellowship of women. We meet in person and online.
A deeper study of God’s Word in order to understand who He says we are in Christ, and to live the life He has called us to live. An Ephesians book study of Who We Are In Christ.
We participate in a YouVersion Online Bible App devotional together, reading scripture and scripture informed teachings with the goal of becoming better disciples and learning how to disciple others. We meet digitally daily on the app and in person once per month.
Make It Last is a relatable, authentic and engaging honest take on marriage, life, love, and relationships. Join PastorsTerry & Cheryl for a great time of laughter, fun and growth.
A place for married couples, to gather and fellowship, eat delicious food, encourage and pray for one another!
Connecting brothers learning to live beyond their past, come alive in their present, and prepare for God’s best in their future through Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.
We meet 6:30am every Wednesday at Java Road Coffee House, for one hour. Where men can build relationships, fellowship, and explore the bible together.
Please join us for a daily digital discipleship through YouVersion Online Bible App. reading scripture and teachings with the goal of becoming better disciples and learning how to disciple others.
Please join us for a daily digital discipleship through YouVersion Online Bible App. reading scripture and teachings with the goal of becoming better disciples and learning how to disciple others.
Please join us for a daily digital discipleship through YouVersion Online Bible App. reading scripture and teachings with the goal of becoming better disciples and learning how to disciple others.
We participate in a YouVersion Online Bible App devotional together, reading scripture and scripture informed teachings with the goal of becoming better disciples and learning how to disciple others.
We participate in a daily digital discipleship through YouVersion Online Bible App. reading scripture and teachings with the goal of becoming better disciples and learning how to disciple others. We also meet in person monthly.
A small group of men gathering for devotion, using the Bible app to study scripture, reflect, and pray together while growing deeper in our faith and community.
Men’s Freedom Group at Madison Campus, Spring 2025.
Meridianville Marketplace Ministry is designed for enhancing gifts and talents for effective ministry in the marketplace. This group will help sharpen your skills on how to use your platforms to lead people to Christ in the marketplace for God’s glory.
Discipleship begins with Beholding God. How do we behold Him, and align our lives with His desire?
Will you answer the Divine Invitation?
Our heart is to pursuing God through discipleship.
Adult Co-Ed “Community” designed for fellowship, fun, adventure, and spiritual growth with monthly gatherings Every 2nd SUNDAY 2pm. EMAIL describes Location and food details.
Meets for breakfast once a month of a Saturday from 7am-8:30am at different restaurants around Madison area.
Throughout the month, we go through various Bible app devotions on a range of topics virtually and we encourage one another during the week by providing comments on the Bible app to the group. We call this “digital discipleship”. Doing these virtual devotions is encourage, but not required, to attend the monthly breakfast meeting at the restaurant.
Rock Men Leaders In Training
Join us for coffee and a time of fellowship. No childcare is provided, but children are welcome.
For additional information, contact Ashley Dawson at [email protected]
We will be enjoying a time of fellowship, being blessed by a message, and having a small group prayer time. You are welcome to bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
We will meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month
For more information, contact Ashley Dawson at [email protected]
** Childcare is limited so please email Meghan Wilson at [email protected]
For high school girls to come and fellowship with others their age. Also to go deeper in His word and to remember we are chosen daughters for His kingdom.
We are a group that meets to share our lives with others who are seeking Gods will in their lives.
Divorce Recovery. We help those going through or in the aftermath of divorce navigate the healing process of areas such as anger, hurt, forgiveness, depression, co-parenting, loneliness, fear, anxiety, and conflict.
A safe welcoming place for those faced with the challenges of loss. We will discover how to heal through the hope of Jesus.
For ALL who are dealing with marriage and character issues, grief, divorce, and need inner healing in a safe place.
An amazing group of ladies supporting one another due to the loss of a spouse.
“Faith-Based Parenting Tools for the Challenging Child” is a supportive small group designed to help parents navigate the unique challenges of raising children with a faith-centered approach. Whether you’re dealing with behavioral struggles, emotional needs, or simply seeking deeper connection, this group offers practical parenting strategies rooted in biblical principles. Together, we’ll explore effective tools and God-given wisdom to cultivate patience, understanding, and love in the home. Join us to find encouragement, share experiences, and grow in faith as we equip ourselves with the resources to better guide and nurture our children through life’s challenges.
The Family Bloom is here to equip you with the tools and skills needed to raise children who thrive in the kingdom.
This 8-week Men’s group will delve into selected Bible verses centered on the role of a godly man. Through teaching and group discussions we will explore key themes on what it means to be a man of God such as integrity, humility, wisdom, courage, and more.
Fellowship, encouragement, prayer, and the Word over a good meal.
Every 1st Tuesday at Blue Plate (3210 Governors Dr. SW) 6:30 AM
Connect with a group of other veterans and men of law enforcement as we share our stories, grow spiritually, and stand with one another. We meet at Blue Plate Restaurant
3210 Governor’s Dr. Each Thursday @ 6:00AM.
Women’s Freedom Group at Madison Campus, Spring 2025
We will explore local trails for fun while building community with other young adults.
Bringing young families together to support one another and grow closer to God through lasting relationships.
We are a group of young families doing life together. Growing spiritually, in community, and so much more. We would love to have you hang out with us.